The New grew from a team of talented people from all over the world. The latest launch includes many exciting updates that set the table… grew from a team of talented people from all over the world. The latest launch includes many exciting updates that set the table for future integrations. Whether you are an expert in an esoteric field, like the news but are weary of existing platforms and ads, or just want to eliminate some internet noise, the new is for you.
Filtering Out Online Noise
Sightglass is the name of our in-house AI tool that sorts articles from handpicked RSS feeds. The feeds are sorted by topic and presented to Briefly users canonically as “Anchors.” Briefly users may also post any article they choose by copying and pasting the source article URL. From there, they can highlight and share portions of the articles, as well as comment within Briefly, and share on social media. Articles that users highlight, comment on, or post manually show up on their personal profile page. Day to day, the Briefly algorithm is built to help users digest and share information that is curated by humans, and provide a shield from noise and rage-inducing articles and posts.
Twitter Integrations
Our existing Twitter integration is the first of many to come that help users share thoughts, present deep-dives on any topic, and seamlessly present paraphrased articles, or “Briefs,” to a large audience. Most of our regular users are re-tweeted and featured on one or more of our popular Twitter handles, giving Briefly users an opportunity to be seen by our 400,000+ Twitter followers.
There is also an interface built-in working side by side with Twitter Threads, allowing users to go on topical deep-dives using Briefly’s highlighting and curations tools across both platforms. Additionally, we made signing up and signing in a two-step process for those who already have an existing Twitter handle.
Future Integrations for Individuals and Teams
Creating integrations and tools for individual users as well as internal groups and B2B networks is what Briefly’s team is currently focusing on. We are also working on a new feed format that can elevate user contributions. Around the corner, we have an exciting Youtube integration in the works, allowing Briefly users to present information from Youtube to share along with their thoughts. This new tool will create slick content that can be shared across several platforms.
Our integrations are designed to simplify both presentation and workflow across multiple platforms as well as create a space to gain recognition from a large audience. We seek to filter online noise and highlight the information that our users view as pertinent. This both empowers the user and creates Briefs that we hope will serve a more constructive role than so much of shouting you see on the internet today.
Give a Try
We firmly believe in creating a space where anyone can be empowered to speak out about what inspires and interests them. We particularly like it when people feel comfortable getting heady and want Briefly to be a place to show off niche knowledge and connect with fellow experts. We seek to push back against online toxicity used as a vehicle for ad revenue. We will always have the users, and only the users, in mind as we move forward.