Release 2.7: Revamped Endorsements, Mobile UI, and anchor follow alerts
It’s cold, dark and rainy here in NYC this morning, but we’re upbeat because we have another big release to share for PLOW. We’ll create…
It’s cold, dark and rainy here in NYC this morning, but we’re upbeat because we have another big release to share for PLOW. We’ll create our own sunshine, dagnabbit!
Our endorsement module gets it’s biggest UI refresh yet. We’re now showing multiple anchors by default, giving you more useful information about the item and helping you to endorse across anchors and add new anchors without having to access a secondary menu. This is a big change, so please let us know how you like it.

We’ve also rethought the homepage layout for mobile. The new UI is simpler and we hope a big jump forward for usability when you are on the go. All of your controls are readily in place and you now have a comment counter to track whether things have changed since you last checked in.

Over the course of the summer, we’ll be introducing features to add more ways to discover and interact with ‘your people’ on anchor pages. The first of these features is a simple follow alert. When someone follows an anchor for the first time, we’ll be letting the anchor community know with an alert.
Please help new members of your community feel welcome!

Summary of key features in release 2.7:
- Revamped endorsement module
- Streamlined homepage UI for mobile
- Anchor follow alerts
- New user cards (now partially deployed)
- We now have anchor cards on the endorsement module
- New anchor page sticky nav
- New item summary gradient solution for long summaries
- Substantial re-build of large portions of front end code for performance and scalability
That’s all for now, folks! Please give things a spin and keep the feedback coming via Twitter and other channels.
Coming up:
- Edit a tweet before sending through the app
- Video content presented in the app, through embeds
- Further mobile UI refinements
- Endorsement module enhancements (swipe through anchors, etc.)
And more …
All the best,