Release 2.6: Boosted Comments
Dearest citizens of PLOW -
You’ve really spoiled us with the commentary. When we browse content on PLOW, we’re struck by how often the community is leaving thoughtful, original comments on items. In many cases, the comments are even better than the original item.
With release 2.6, we’re introducing a new feature that we call ‘Boosted Comments.’ Comments that are especially valuable will be ‘Boosted’ to become full fledged items in the app. Boosted Comments become featured on PLOW, appearing in user feeds and digests with their own, beautiful item views, and they can be endorsed and shared just like 3rd party content from PLOW.
For an example, see Jim Lai’s boosted comment:

The best comments in PLOW will begin to find their way into your feeds after this release.
Please continue to be thoughtful in your commentary. We’re building features to provide your comments with the presentation it deserves.
Other features in 2.6:
- App hints for the homepage when the comment module is empty.
- Rich text formatting for comments (go Markdown!)
- Resolved UI bugs for the registration process on iPhone 5.
- Continued homepage performance optimization.
That’s all for now!
Please let us know what you think.
All the best,