Release 2.3: A Bundle for the Holidays
The holidays are nearly upon us and its been a while since our last update, so we’re going to wrap a bundle of features that we’ve put out in the last few months and call it ‘Release 2.3.’ I promise, even when the communication volume is low, our humble global team is cranking.
New goodies to play with in 2.3:
- Social network publication: Now you can share links with the push of a button to your connected social networks, including Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. This feature is so seamless and useful it’s downright addictive. If you have added a comment, your comment will headline the shared item in Facebook and LinkedIn. You can also trigger a share within a comment with `&Facebook`, etc.

- Share links: When you share a link through a social network or a copy link button, we produce a special version of the article page that is customized to promote you and your commentary as the sharer.

- Revamped endorsement module: We’ve clarified the call to action, brought multiple anchors into view, and created a new mechanism to rapidly add multiple anchors.

- Anchor menu: You now have an ‘anchor menu’ picklist right next to your avatar, giving you ready access to the anchors that you have been most active in. You’ll also find a link to an anchor directory.

- Invite with Twitter handle: Now you can invite a friend to join you on PLOW with nothing more than their Twitter handle.

- Full https: PLOW is now 100% secure.
- New setup page: If you haven’t fully setup your account, come visit our one page account configuration page for maximum happiness.
We’ve also been focussing a great deal on our responsive UI across mobile devices. We’re not all the way there, but I think we’ve crossed the 80% line. If you are seeing issues still, please let us know.
The dev team has spent a great deal of time working through homepage performance issues. We’ve made huge strides, but we’ve also discovered some underlying issues that we’re continuing to work through. So progress and light now visible at the end of the tunnel. Expect an update soon.
So happy holidays everyone! Please take some time to relax and connect with the people that are important to you.
Thank you for being a critical part of a growing PLOW community and please don’t be shy with your feedback.
All the best,