Comments with muscle

Dearest PLOW people -
PLOW is a forum for thoughtful curation and discussion. We have been very impressed with the quality of the commentary that you have provided on top of content so far and we want to give you tools to make that process easier and more rewarding. With our latest release, comments on PLOW are transitioning into fully featured conversations.
For the first time, you can:
- Reply to an individual comment.
- Endorse an individual comment.
- Use rich text formatting.
- Edit or delete one of your comments (within 10 minutes).
While we’ve added significant new features to add depth and utility to comments, we’ve also done our best to keep the comment interface simple and beautiful.
Give it a spin and let us know what you think!
Other highlights from release 2.5:
- Rebuilt anchor pages with a significant performance boost.
- Custom visual layouts for Chrome, Safari, and embedded web views for FB and Twitter on iOS.
- Fixed a bug that was creating Chrome iOS load issues.
- Improved the feel of swipe based navigation for the homepage.
- Smart anchor recommendations for people registering with a Twitter connection.
- Expanded the list of sources now accepted during the content add process.
- Repaired profile page following/followers drop-downs.
- Brought back share links and user comments on top of Facebook and LinkedIn shares.
- Repairs for user invitations.
Coming up next: Boosted comments!
Your best comments will soon be promoted into full content items, appearing in user feeds on the homepage and anchor pages.
I’d like to write more frequently about what’s happening at PLOW, about our team, about how we see the world and our place in it, but I don’t want to swamp your inbox. Going forward, we’ll push the most important blog posts to email and leave the rest on our site with mentions on our social channels.
As always, please send your feedback and ideas.
See you on PLOW!
All the best,